Welcome to Gert's Astronomy Page
Last Updated: Oktober 2023
This is my Astronomy Homepage
courtesy of the

Tri Valley Stargazers.
Also please visit:


CCD gallery. Latest images April 2023
New images from the Hidden Hill Observatory, California, USA (German)
Deep sky photography on the Hidden Hill Observatory, California, USA
Deep sky (prime focus)
Sun :

Solar H-Alpha observing campaign 2024
Annular solare eclipse, October 14th 2023, Winnemucca, NV, USA
Solar H-Alpha observing campaign 2023
Solar H-Alpha observing campaign 2022
Solar H-Alpha observing campaign 2021
Solar H-Alpha observing campaign 2020
Solar H-Alpha observing campaign 2019
Solar H-Alpha observing campaign 2018
Total Solar Eclipse August 21st 2017, Mitchell, Oregon, USA
Solar H-Alpha observing campaign 2017
Solar H-Alpha observing campaign 2016
Solar H-Alpha observing campaign 2015
Partial solar eclipse, October 23rd 2014, Fremont, CA, USA
Solar H-Alpha observing campaign 2014
Annular solare eclipse, May 20th 2012, Fallon, NV, USA
Total solar eclipse, March 29th 2006, Aksaray, Turkey
Partial solar eclipse, May 31st 2003
Sun, Spring 2003 (German)
Sun, Winter 2002-2003 (German)
Sunspots summer 2002 (German)
Sunspots in April 2002 including an animated rotation (German)
Giant sunspot AR9 393, March 2001 (German)
Partial eclipse of the Sun, December 25th, 2000 ( German )
Prominences ( German )

Total lunar eclipse on May 15/16th 2022
Lunar observing campaign 2021
Lunar observing campaign 2020
Total lunar eclipse on January 20/21st 2019
Lunar observing campaign 2018
Lunar observing campaign 2016
Total lunar eclipse, September 28th 2015 (Fremont, California)
Total lunar eclipse, October 8th 2014 (California)
Total lunar eclipse, April 15th 2014 (California)
Thin crescent Moon with earth shine May 2009
Total lunar eclipse, February 21st 2008 (Fremont, California)
Total lunar eclipse, August 28th 2007 (Fremont, California)
Thin crescent Moon with earth shine June 2007
Conjuntion of the Moon and Venus 2007 May 19
Total eclipse of the moon on May 16 2003
Moon rise and earth shadow from high flying airplane
Digital imaging of a full month (in progress)
Observation of lunar eclipse during daylight

Planetary observing campaign 2023
Planetary observing campaign 2022
Planetary observing campaign 2021
Planetary observing campaign 2020
Transit of Mercury 2019-11-11
Planetary observing campaign 2019
Planetary observing campaign 2018
Planetary observing campaign 2017
Transit of Mercury 2016 May 9th
Planetary observing campaign 2016
Moon, Venus and Jupiter in the evening sky 2015-06-20
Jupiter observing campaign 2015
Moon, Venus and Mars in the evening sky 2015-02-20
Venus and Mercury in the evening sky 2015-01-12
Venus Transit 2012 May 5/6
Mercury Transit 2006 November 8th
Mars opposition 2005
Mercury, Venus and Saturn from the Hidden Hill Observatory
Jupiter 2004 with Philips PCV 740K Webcam
Mars, Jupiter and Saturn 2003 with Philips PCV 740K Webcam
Saturn transits in front of M1 (Crab Nebula) January 2003
Moon occults Venus during daytime July 17 2001
Venus in February and March 2001
Mercury transit Nov. 15 1999
Venus Jupiter conjunction 2/1999
The Moon occults Saturn Dec. 9th 1997
Planetary photography
Stardust Reentry Observation Jan 2006
2001 Leonids
Excursions, Presentations, Software and Links
TVS open house at the observing site (with Milkyway timelapse)
TVS visit to Lick Observatory 2016-06-07
20Jahre Fremont Peak Sternwarte mit Sommerfest (german)
The Hidden Hill Observatory gets a new roof
CCD Observation on Kitt Peak
Oktober 2002 Hawaii: Kilauea Vulkan und Mauna Kea Observatorium (german)
Visit on Mauna Kea, Hawaii at the James Clerk Maxwell Radio Telescope
Digital Astronomy (Still Camera, Webcam, CCD, Camcorder) EAS Feb. 2004
Digital cameras and Webcams for Amateur Astronomie TVS 2003
Digital Astronomy (Still Camera, CCD) TVS 2001
Techniques and Telescope Making:
Cleaning a Meade 10inch SCT corrector
Auto collimation testing
Analyzing ghost images in the Lunt LS100PT DS (Double Stack) unit
Adjusting the image scale of the Lunt LS60PT to fit the DMK41 camera chip size
A test of the TS field-flattener on a 5" F6.3 APO
A simple Ronchi tester based on a film grating
A low profile magnetic finder holder
Backfocus analysis for a Meade 12" LX200ACF OTA
Medium format lens adapter for ST10XME
Positioning of a coma corrector for the ST10XME CCD camera
10" Ritchey Chretien Cassegrain ATM Project
Mechanical design
Making the optics (primary mirror)
Making the optics (secondary mirror)
Making a new primary mirror
Michelson interferometer setup
EAS Telescope makers workshop 8" mirror ronchi test
(NEW!) Micro crontroller compensation for drift guiding with the ST4
Experiments on CCD image calibration, August 2001
Analysis of tube flexure
Image processing for planetary and eclipse photos
Enhancing deep sky photographs by stacking multiple images
Compensating for vignetting
G. Gottschalk, October 2021